

Limited Break:The Development and Reflection of Metafictional Writing

【作者】 何颖

【导师】 范昀; 潘一禾;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 美学, 2017, 硕士


【摘要】 元小说,即一种"关于小说的小说",代表了小说文本自我反思、自我揭露的新视角。它的概念被20世纪80年代的文学批评家完善,呈现出了一种后现代主义的视野,尝试通过对文本虚构性的强调来质疑现实的真实。本文聚焦于《项狄传》、《伪币制造者》和《巴黎永无止境》三个经典的元小说写作文本,分别分析在不同的文学阶段内,元小说写作策略的更新和其与元小说理论体系间的关系。在此基础上,本文总结了元小说写作实践的发展过程,提出了元小说当下的发展瓶颈,并试图为元小说找到新的发展道路。本文认为,元小说是对于传统小说在形式和内容上的双重突破,体现了小说本体意识的发展,为小说批评和小说写作提供了新的视角,因此具有重要的理论和实践意义。但是,在利用写作形式揭露小说建构的过程中,它也不可避免地牺牲了小说作品的审美价值。因为破坏情节完整性、强调一切皆虚构,元小说难免含有陷入虚无主义的危险,而它破碎的写作形式,也难以支撑它在文本内进行自我反思。因此,本文指出元小说在小说发展过程中承担的突破价值是有限的。除非它可以部分地改变自己的观点,与情节、真实性以及意义的确定性结盟,否则真正有元小说意识的元小说文本将会与优秀的小说作品这一概念无缘。

【Abstract】 Metafiction,which means "fiction about fiction",represents a new perspective of fiction’s self-reflection and self-disclosure.Its concept,which presents a postmodern vision and tries to question the real of reality by emphasizing the fictional nature of the text,was refined by the literary critics of the 1980s.Accorading to researching three classical metafictional writing texts of Tristram Sandy,Les Faux-Monnayeurs and Never Any End to Paris,this papaer analyzes the renewal of writing strategies of metafiction in different literary stages and finds out their relationship with metafictional theory system.On this basis,it sumarizes the development process of the writing practice of metafiction,puts forward its bottleneck,and tries to find a new development path for it.Because metafiction represents a double breakthrough in the form and content of traditional fictions,which embodies the development of the ontological consciousness in fictions and provides a new perspective for its criticism and writing practice,it has important theoretical and practical significance.However,in the process of using the form of writing to expose the construction of the fiction,it also inevitably sacrifices the aesthetic value of the works.Because of the destruction of the plot integrity,emphasizing everything is fictional,metafiction inevitably contains the danger of falling into nihilism,and its broken writing form,which is difficult to carry out self-reflection in its text.Therefore,this paper points out that the breakthrough value of metafiction in the development of the fiction is limited.Unless it can partially change its point of view,and aling with the plot,the authenticity and the certainty of meaning,otherwise the metaphorical metafitcion will never be an excellent novel.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2017年 08期
  • 【分类号】I106.4
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】385